GPF Balance Check on Mobile

The General Provident Fund (GPF) is a savings scheme for government employees in Bangladesh. It allows them to accumulate a retirement fund through deductions from their salaries. Traditionally, checking your GPF balance involved visiting the accounts office or waiting for the annual GPF slip. Thankfully, advancements in technology now allow you to check your GPF balance conveniently from your mobile phone.

Here’s a Guide on How to Check Your GPF Balance on Your Mobile Phone

Method 1: Using the CA FOPFM Website

  1. Open your mobile phone’s web browser (Chrome, Firefox, etc.).

  2. Navigate to the CA FOPFM (Chief Accounts Officer Pension and Fund Management) website:

  3. Click on the “GPF Information” option under the “Click Here” button.

  4. A pop-up window will appear. Enter your 17-digit National Identification Number (NID) or 10-digit Smart ID number in the designated field.

  5. Input the phone number registered for Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) in the iBAS++ system.

  6. Click “Submit.”

  7. You will receive a One-Time Password (OTP) on your registered mobile number.

  8. Enter the 4-digit OTP in the designated field and click “Submit” again.

  9. Select the fiscal year you want to view your GPF balance for (usually the previous fiscal year).

  10. Click “Go,” and your GPF statement will be displayed on your screen.

Important Notes:

  • Ensure you have a stable internet connection for this process.
  • The displayed GPF balance will likely be for the previous fiscal year due to processing times.

Check also: অনলাইনে জিপিএফ ব্যালেন্স চেক

Method 2: Contacting Your Local Accounts Office

If you’re unable to access the CA FOPFM website or prefer a more personalized approach, you can contact your local accounts office. They can provide you with your GPF balance over the phone or in person.

Benefits of Checking Your GPF Balance on Mobile

  • Convenience: Access your GPF information anytime, anywhere, without visiting an office.
  • Efficiency: Saves time and eliminates the need to wait for annual slips.
  • Transparency: Provides regular updates on your GPF accumulation.

Remember: Keep your NID/Smart ID number and registered mobile number readily available for a smooth GPF balance check process.

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